The Tortoise House

The vegetable garden is planted, with lots of rain and lots of hot sun the little shoots are up in days, but so are the tortoises!! they come from far and wide, the only time we ever see them (Look it's Lilly Rose shouts my daughter, oh great I say) they must have an incredible sense of smell and I tell you they are not slow. Turn your back for a minute and they have vanished.

My daughter and her friends take great delight in building little paddocks for them, decorated with a collection of local treasures and flowers, more like a tortoise shrine. They fee them carrots, melon, seeds, but they just want to be in my veg patch chomping on Juicy shoots. I was thinking about building a fence but you know what happened to the great African migrations when they did that. So for fear of upsetting the natural Eco balance, I just spend every moment at home picking them up and moving them! I only hope their poo is very good for the garden.
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