Voyage to Rabat - Historic sights

My parents have come to stay with us to get some sunshine. My father would only agree to come for a decent amount of time if i organised some trips. The morning after they arrived we set off to do a partial tour of the coast. We left Marrakech and took the new excellent motorway to Casablanca. At Casablanca we took the ring road and followed the coast road, which was very pretty to Rabat. En route we stopped at a restaurant and had a lovely fish lunch, after we walked for a bit and collected shells on the vast expanse of beach.

I loved Rabat, i have not visited for 10 years and even then it was a drive through visit. It had a very different feel to Marrakech and felt very regal. It felt much more Andalusian which of course it is, but surprisingly so. The lovely river and hilly countryside added to the magic of the place. Below you can see a photo of the Chellah wall, one of the major historic sights. The Chellah is on top of the hill and freshwater springs flow out of the hill. It is believed that Sultan Yaacoub's buried treasure is inside, guarded by a prince of the jinn (spirits or entities living in a parallel universe). For years this place once a settlement has been used for burial and tombs.

The entrance to The Hassan Tower and the tomb of Mohammed V and Hassan II.

The Mausoleum is ornate to say the least and totally breathtaking to look at. The carving is so intricate and the marble lavish. The Moroccan people hold their past kings in high regard almost to holy status as the now Mohammed V is the spiritual leader of Morocco too.

The Tower is stunning and impressive from all views. Built by the Sultan Yaacoub El Mansour in the 1100's. It was built as part of a programme with the Koutoubia in Marrakech and the Giralda in Seville.
